الاصدار الجديده للعبه المشهوره جدا Counter-Strike16 full v32.1
Counter-Strike16 full v32.1
بحجم 400 ميجا و على اكثر من سيرفر مباشر
Counter-Strike16 Full v32.1 Non-Steam
New Features:
- Playable on LAN and Internet
- Half-Life (Singleplayer & Multiplayer) included
- Steam Account/CD-Key NOT required
- No more Invalid CD-Key errors
- Realistic Hostage
- Latest cracked listen server (everyone can join)
- Latest cracked dedicated server (everyone can join)
- Tuned up graphics
- Prevented empty chat spam
- Added latest CZ bots modified
- Added Bots for Half-Life
- Added --SS--s (Crosshaircolors, Provider-Settings, Chatcolors)
- CD-Key is included on the Installer
- Preconfigured
Bugs Fixed:
- Background 32-Bit
- Drop Grenade
- Hud fixed (Example: Solid Radar)
- Visual C++ Runtime Error Message fixed
- Weapons/Players etc. default files
- Weapon Name fixed (Example: CK47 to AK47)
- Gamma and Brightness fixed (can be adjusted)
- Overviews Fixed
- VGui Fixed
- Blood/Wad-files Fixed
- Motd fixed (use Default)
Packs/Patches included:
- CS - Source Transformations Pack (new)
- Addon Pack v2 (added new files)
- Non-Steam Sound-Pack
- CS16 Patch to v32.1 (not recommended)
- Counter-Strike Steam Patch (required Steam)
- SETTI MasterServers
New Binds:
* F4 - Advertising
* F5 - Snapshot
* F12 - Quit
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Counter-Strike16 full v32.1
بحجم 400 ميجا و على اكثر من سيرفر مباشر
Counter-Strike16 Full v32.1 Non-Steam

New Features:
- Playable on LAN and Internet
- Half-Life (Singleplayer & Multiplayer) included
- Steam Account/CD-Key NOT required
- No more Invalid CD-Key errors
- Realistic Hostage
- Latest cracked listen server (everyone can join)
- Latest cracked dedicated server (everyone can join)
- Tuned up graphics
- Prevented empty chat spam
- Added latest CZ bots modified
- Added Bots for Half-Life
- Added --SS--s (Crosshaircolors, Provider-Settings, Chatcolors)
- CD-Key is included on the Installer
- Preconfigured
Bugs Fixed:
- Background 32-Bit
- Drop Grenade
- Hud fixed (Example: Solid Radar)
- Visual C++ Runtime Error Message fixed
- Weapons/Players etc. default files
- Weapon Name fixed (Example: CK47 to AK47)
- Gamma and Brightness fixed (can be adjusted)
- Overviews Fixed
- VGui Fixed
- Blood/Wad-files Fixed
- Motd fixed (use Default)
Packs/Patches included:
- CS - Source Transformations Pack (new)
- Addon Pack v2 (added new files)
- Non-Steam Sound-Pack
- CS16 Patch to v32.1 (not recommended)
- Counter-Strike Steam Patch (required Steam)
- SETTI MasterServers
New Binds:
* F4 - Advertising
* F5 - Snapshot
* F12 - Quit

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الرابط الثاني