نسخة بيتا BitDefender Total Security 2011


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نسخة بيتا BitDefender Total Security 2011

تم صدور النسخة بيتا 2011


وهذه التحسينات الجديدة فانا لا اجيد الإنجليزية

What's New in BitDefender 2011?

  • New! Redesigned and streamlined installation. You install and configure BitDefender 2011 in one step without having to reboot your PC. It detects viruses before installing BitDefender and cleans your computer to ensure optimal usage from install time.
  • New! Search Advisor warns you about unsafe pages displayed in search results by checking each URL against the BitDefender online URL database.
  • New! Firewall Troubleshoot Wizard guides users and solves most common problems related to internet, printer or remote office (VPN) connectivity.
  • New! Performance Optimizer shows which applications are slowing down the PC and suggests corrective actions. The Optimizer includes memory and CPU usage gauges that show the last 60 minutes activity for each application running on your PC.
  • New! The protection level adapts to the processing power of your computer by adjusting settings to match the available memory and CPU type. This allows the user to fully be protected without slowing down the computer.
  • New! Basic and intermediate users can customize the dashboard by adding shortcuts to their favorite sections or actions.
  • Improved! Smart Schedule provides maximum performance with system load analysis so tasks like on-demand scanning are suspended, to free-up resources for other processes, such as a media player or games.
  • Improved! Improved usability with typical (easy) vs custom tune-up options.
  • Improved! Select the interface that best matches your security needs and knowledge. Basic, Intermediate, and Expert users can select the interface that best suits their needs. Most sections of the product have been redesigned to support basic and intermediate users.

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