Race your own Formula One career! In F1 Career Challenge, you start as a rookie F1 driver. If you can prove your worth within the game's career mode by passing a range of super license tests, you can take your rightful place amongst the elite drivers competing in the world's fastest and most glamorous motor sport.
To succeed, you'll have to work hard, as your reputation will determine how far your career can take you and with which team. Develop and hone your car during test days to make the improvements that will show over 4 successive seasons on the Formula One circuit as you make your drive for the championship.
Hardware Requirements
450 MHz processor (1 GHz recommended)
128 MB RAM (256 recommended)
16 MB video card (32 MB recommendeD)
1 GB hard drive space

اصدارات هامة من برامج هامة
هام جداا
للتحميل باقصى سرعة ارجـــو من الجميــــــع استخدام برنامج IDM
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ارجـــو من الجميــــــع تحميل هـذا الاصدار من Winrar لعدم حدوث مشاكل اثناء فك الضغط
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Get Your Short Link With MY-LINK
Get Your Short Link With MY-LINK
Get Your Short Link With MY-LINK
Get Your Short Link With MY-LINK
Get Your Short Link With MY-LINK
Get Your Short Link With MY-LINK
Get Your Short Link With MY-LINK
Get Your Short Link With MY-LINK
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أحاول تقديم كل ما هو جديد و جداب للأعضاء و الزوار الكرام
أتمنى أن تنال مواضيعي رضاكم و تلبي حاجاتكم
التميز في منتدى التميز